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STEAM課程計畫說明 Introduction

認識STEAM課程 Introduction


何謂STEAM?What is STEAM ?
STEAM分別為:STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) 是結合科學、科技、工程、藝術及數學的跨學科學習方法。

藝術與STEAM素養學習:Arts & STEAM Competence
本校國立新港藝術高中在新課綱素養導向課程脈絡下,建構出以藝術人文為核心內涵,串接STEAM精神:跨領域、動手做、生活應用、解決問題、五感學習等課程,透過STEAM未來人才培育系列課程與活動, 希望培養孩子具備適應未來挑戰的關鍵能力,成為跨領域適性人才。

Construct the connotation of arts and humanities with the spirit of STEAM:interdisciplinary learning, experiential learning, real-life application, problem solving, and sensory learning so as to be adaptive in the future.

自我實現與未來想像:Self-fulfillment & Future Imagination
本校STEAM系列課程在人際部分,強調4C能力:Communicate. Collaborate. Create. Co-sense (溝通力、合作力、創造力、共感力),希望孩子學會群體合作與生命實踐,將所學知識用以改變現況,進而回饋社會以創造美好未來。

​Focus on the ability of intergrating of communication, collaboration, creativity, and          co-sense. Work as a team and change society to build up a bright future.

從STEAM課程培養4C能力 Communicate. Collaborate. Create. Co-sense

溝通力 Communicate

設計思考  Design

策略規劃​  Strategy

​執行表現  Performance

合作力​ Collaborate

人際互動 Interpersonal Interaction

團隊合作 Teamwork

​國際交流 International Exchange

​創造力 Create

美感涵養 Aesthetics

創意發想 Imagination

轉譯再現 Transformation

共感力 Co-Sense

同理尊重  Empathy

生命關懷  Caring

服務活動​  Activity

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